Procreation Conundrum

A lesbian* same-sex couple decided to procreate and there was an acceptable and willing male donor available. From this point on the whole thing fell apart, the FDA got involved, and now the prospective mom is filing suit against them for meddling where it is not wanted.

It seems that one can not, legally, artificially inseminate themselves even if/when they already own a turkey baster which, BTW, would have been a pretty good idea if the obvious method was really off the table. One needs, by law, to get the medical profession involved at the cost of about $2,000 a (no pun intended) shot.

Why Ms. Namewithheld chose this arduous route to motherhood is unknown to this reporter but you're more than welcome to read all about it by clicking here!

* Inhabitants of the Isle of Lesbos claim to be the only true Lesbians but that's another story. Read about that one here.
     Posted By: Expat47 - Fri Jul 13, 2012
     Category: Lawsuits

This does rather beg the question of how the FDA found out about this. As for a turkey baster, I rather doubt that's the oddest item ever involved in the union of egg and sperm. Sounds to me like the FDA is worried its source of income from bribery needs to be diversified.
Posted by TheCannyScot in Atlanta, GA on 07/13/12 at 11:59 AM
Other than the amendment which refers to Presidential sperm limits, I don't see any other reference to sperm in the Constitution.
Posted by Robert on 07/13/12 at 03:11 PM
Nor do I see a restriction for murder in the constitution, Robert. As far as the constitution is concerned you could murder anyone you want as long as it isn't deemed traitorous.

So would anyone like to come for a visit? I've got a nice... um... walk-in freezer that you really must see.
Posted by Fluffy Bunny Slippers on 07/13/12 at 08:46 PM
Sperm limits, LOL!
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 07/13/12 at 10:47 PM
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