Professor Music’s Weird Links

"Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"

Hey Babe, would you like to come up and see my dinosaur collection?

Not weird, just magnificent artistic genius.

For patty: HawkNestCam

     Posted By: Professor Music - Tue May 04, 2010

Ugly Statues I think the collector is using a different meaning of "ugly" than I was thinking. But, yup! some of them are FUGLY!

Dino Collection There are some very, very well preserved items scattered throughout the collection. Hubba, hubba.

Art Just kitschy enough that it might work.

Patty's Perk Somebody didn't pay the utility bill!
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 05/04/10 at 11:47 PM
Statues: The one from Senegal that triggered the article is actually pretty good IMO. That one figure is pointing hardly qualifies it as a tribute to the "Socialist Realism" of the Stalin era. In fact, the whole gallery seems like little more than an excuse to joke about various leaders' huge egos.

Oh, and the Genghis Kahn statue is awesome!

Tape Art: Gah! I so want the London's Calling one! 🐍
Posted by Dumbfounded on 05/05/10 at 05:54 AM
awww they're cute! thanks prof, you are sweet. 💋

the 9/11 'tribute' is definitely fugly! i love the quote too- 'a cross between a scar and a female sex organ' :lol:

archeologists get all the girls!

i love the artwork! very cool! :coolhmm:
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 05/05/10 at 09:05 AM
They're just resting guv, honest! 🙄
Posted by Dumbfounded on 05/05/10 at 05:46 PM
I can kind of understand the concept of a hot chick leaning against an even hotter car and having her picture taken. But a dinosaur picture? Is there some obscure "bone" reference that I don't get?
Posted by Nethie on 05/05/10 at 07:34 PM
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