Professor Music’s Weird Links

The World's Most Bizarre Collections

Time Traveler Caught in a Museum Photo?

A Scholarly Critique of the Style, Symbolism, and Socio-Political Relevance of Gilligan's Island

Professor Music's Favorite: Unwords

I . . . can't . . . stop . . . laughing, Part 2
     Posted By: Professor Music - Sun May 09, 2010

A couple of those collections are a little weird (the cigarettes and candy), but there is certainly nothing weird about collecting movie cameras or Viewmaster slides. Several of my collections are weirder than those (though they are many orders of magnitude smaller), like my 1990s cell phone collection, my old technology magazine collection, or my vintage book collection (which mainly consists of my complete 1955 Encyclopedia Britannica with all books of the year up to 1975). In fact, if you want an example of how common it is to collect camera equipment, there is an unofficial term for it (GAS: Gear Acquisition Syndrome), and many Flickr groups devoted to it, like this one.
Posted by Salamander Sam in Chicago on 05/15/10 at 07:39 PM
i knew you'd like the cameras sam!
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 05/15/10 at 09:50 PM
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