Professor Music’s Weird Links

This isn't an obsession, it is the work of a dedicated Genius.

THESE are Obsessions:

He has "mildly obsessive-compulsive tendencies," he concedes, and a "mild addiction" to coffee.

There's ALWAYS room for more.

NSFW, or home, if you're married -- You can go 4-5 times a month, and you will also get paid RMB200 ( US$30 ) at the end of each session for your kindness.

For fyshstyxx

     Posted By: Professor Music - Sun May 24, 2009

eBay - There's room, believe me. My mother-in-law has the same problem. You just learn to live a more sedentary life. She spends most of her time in front of the computer, talking to family and friends from all over the world.
Posted by Leshka on 05/25/09 at 11:41 AM
eBay- I remembered this on the Something Awful site and thought about posting it a couple weeks ago. When I found it, it no longer existed as it was and passed on posting. I'm glad you found a version of it to share with everyone here.
Kingmonkey--From the commentary I remember on Something Awful, he was a College Student (the last pic is of a statue at his college) and it was his mother's house. The pic nearer the end of the room pics is his room, he has bubble wrap covering a dresser. He said it was home to his Star War figures collection, or something similar. He claimed she had even began to invade his room with her collection. You also see a pic of a leather couch that is somewhat cleared off, he claimed that was where she slept, and yep, the rest of her time was spent on the comp surfing eBay (note the monitor sitting on the old desktop, even though she uses the tower to the left).
I also remember that she hoarded the old prescription bottles because their garbage collection was forwarded to Folsom Prison for recycling sorting by inmates and she didn't want them to know what medication they were on.
But hey! I just found the link with all of the commentary!

I can't get the link to work, but google "my mother is insane" and it should be the first result.
Posted by qualityleashdog on 05/25/09 at 10:17 PM
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