(Queen of the) Amazons

Here's a twist. Usually, I present the trailer first, then the full film it represents. But I can't find the full film for Roger Corman's Amazons trailer (1986) above. And I can't find the trailer for the feature length Queen of the Amazons (1947) below. So you get the trailer for one, and then the full other feature. But they are both so bad, you probably wouldn't have noticed if I didn't mention it, despite a 40-year gap and one being in color and one in B&W!!

Enjoy both!

     Posted By: Paul - Fri May 03, 2013
     Category: Movies | Fantasy | 1940s | 1980s | Women

While he can do amazing things with a very low budget, the bulk of his movies are nearly unwatchable. Some of the clunkiest dialogue I've ever heard was in Cormans "the undead". Too funny!
Posted by EvilSpaceLordMang on 05/03/13 at 02:58 PM
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