Renewable Virginity

Japanese innovation strikes again. Girls, lost your virginity and now you want it back for someone special? No problem for just $14.90 you can buy a fake hymen. Gently insert it 20 minutes before making love. It expands giving a tight feeling and upon penetration it expels a blood-like fluid. Be sure to respond appropriately and he need never be the wiser.,Virginity,Hymen,2299.php?prod=2299
The Egyptians are apparently very unhappy about this product and are considering the death penalty for anyone caught importing it.
     Posted By: Alex - Tue Sep 29, 2009

Not a new idea! Science vs chicken blood!

Egyptians: sounds like product protectionism to me!
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 09/29/09 at 09:44 PM
the japanese are going incognito on this one, it ships through china.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 09/29/09 at 09:46 PM
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