The Rise of Acronyms

Back in 1947, Dr. T.M. Pearce, a professor of English at the University of New Mexico, noted that World War II had speeded up the use of acronyms in English. He predicted, "tomorrow's English may contain more and more of acronym and abbreviation."

He sure was right about that.

Muskogee Daily Phoenix and Times-Democrat - Aug 19, 1947

Some info about Pearce (via New Mexico Archives Online):

Thomas Matthews Pearce was a Professor of English at the University of New Mexico for over 35 years and the author of numerous books and articles on the English language and folklore. He was born in Covington, Kentucky, 1902, died Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1986.
     Posted By: Alex - Wed Feb 05, 2025
     Category: Languages | Predictions | 1940s


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