Rudolph Got Run Over By A Redneck

Ron Lake of Santa Maria, California is just expressing his free speech on his own property with a slightly different Christmas display. A stuffed Rudolph lays dead across the hood of a pick up truck while Jesus stands by holding a double barreled shot gun with Santa on the ground also dead. Ron says it is a statement about commercialism verses the real meaning of Christmas. Neighbors say it is frightening to children, especially as there is a school bus stop right in front of the area with the display. Police say there is nothing they can do as it is on private property. People who live near by are starting a petition against the display but it remains to be seen if that will effect a removal. There's a clip with the display and an interview with Ron Lake as well as a couple of the neighbors at the link.
     Posted By: Alex - Sat Dec 19, 2009

great job there ron, in one fell swoop you get coal in you christmas stocking and go to hell! 😝
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 12/19/09 at 12:32 PM
You know, I understand how people feel about Christmas being more commercialized than ever. And I think freedom of expression is important. But this is ridiculous. Find a way to express yourself that doesn't involve scaring children.
Posted by Nethie on 12/20/09 at 10:17 AM
you make a good point outeast. as far as i ever knew jesus said 'forgive them father for they know not what they do' not 'make my day'. 😊
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 12/21/09 at 10:27 AM
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