saturday funerals

Sheffield (England) Council rubs its forehead on the floor, to the god of political correctness
Ya can't have a funeral in Sheffield on a Saturday unless you're Muslim because all the parlors have to be on standby for those speedy burials required by Islam. One infidel family that had out-of-towners available only on Saturday found out the policy the hard way. Daily Telegraph (London)
     Posted By: Chuck - Fri Sep 26, 2008

If I die in England you can just strap me to a hang glider naked and push me off the Cliffs of Dover. Maybe stick one of those airplane banners to my butt that reads "Dead people have no idea what day of the week it is"
Posted by Pablo on 09/26/08 at 09:57 AM
I wanna come to Pablo's funeral just so see that!
Posted by KW in Dallas, TX on 09/26/08 at 12:12 PM
Oh, well in that case the banner will read "You should have worn the Yoda mask"
Posted by Pablo on 09/26/08 at 12:23 PM
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