Saving Money for the Weak of Willpower


I like this idea a lot. Why doesn't any bank offer such a plan today?


Original ads here (scroll down).
     Posted By: Paul - Sat Oct 19, 2013
     Category: Money | Psychology | 1900s

I had a red one. The 'lock' wasn't much of a distraction.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 10/19/13 at 09:40 AM
What a good idea. A box with an easy to carry handle that even has a sign on it saying savings, and you can keep it on the mantle in full view of anyone who breaks in.
Posted by F.U.D. on 10/19/13 at 10:01 AM
Even 50 years after this ad came out we didn't lock our doors and neighbors came in with a simple "yoo-hoo".
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 10/19/13 at 10:07 AM
Must be nice growing up in Mayberry and neighbors usually aren´t the ones you worry about breaking in.
Posted by F.U.D. on 10/19/13 at 10:26 AM
We had a local bank that would issue school children a passbook and collect their money at the school. This was in the mid 50's. Had not seen one of these lock boxes before, but sounds like a fairly decent marketing program for the bank. Now I use an abalone shell on a table to hold my change. When it overflows, off to the bank.
Posted by Steve E. on 10/19/13 at 11:58 AM
Steve E: We did the same thing in L.A. in the 50´s. A small manila envelope you put your money and passbook in, closed it with a string and turned it in to the teacher. Got it back the next week.
Posted by F.U.D. on 10/19/13 at 01:29 PM
A drill would make short work of that lock for the more determined spendthrift.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 10/19/13 at 07:12 PM
3-1/2 per cent interest? Why is personal savings so much easier in 1900 than today!?
Posted by Mark McDermott on 10/21/13 at 12:52 AM
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