Self-Embedding Disorder

Teenagers have discovered a new method of screwing themselves up. Cutting and poisoning themselves is no longer enough. The new fad is to deliberately embed objects in their flesh. Doctors report that they've removed a variety of embedded objects from the arms, hands, feet, ankles and necks of teenage girls. These objects include: needles, staples, wood, stone, glass, pencil lead, crayon, and an unfolded metal paper clip more than 6 inches long.

In cases of self-embedding disorder, objects are used to puncture the skin or are forced into a wound after cutting... At least two teens have disclosed instances of self-embedding, said Terry Ciszek, the hospital's director for outpatient services. Both girls had intentionally inserted pencils under their skin and then broke off the lead to keep it lodged there.

Goes without saying that the teenagers doing this have a lot of mental health issues. Link: Chicago Tribune

(I'm pretty sure someone forwarded us this link, but I can't remember who it was. Thank you, whoever you are!)
     Posted By: Alex - Wed Dec 10, 2008
     Category: Medicine | Psychology

I can't even stand a paper cut.
Posted by KW in Dallas, TX on 12/10/08 at 11:14 AM
I guess they are too good for the simple cutting disorder huh?
Posted by AGFH on 12/10/08 at 11:14 AM
I saw a video onetime of this lady who had a self-embedding disorder. It was pretty good. She kept self-embedding this big dildo between her legs. Yeah, that was a good video.
Posted by Madd Maxx on 12/10/08 at 10:14 PM
I'd just like to note that the person who left the comment signed "alex is in bred" is NOT ME! Actually, I think the person is trolling, but I figured I'd give 'em the benefit of the doubt and not delete their comment.
Posted by Alex on 12/13/08 at 12:45 PM
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