Site Update

Ever since we started this blog, back in 2008, we've been using the same blogging software to run it. As in, the same version of the software. We never updated it.

The software company regularly came out with updates, but we just ignored them. This wasn't just laziness on our part. Over at the Museum of Hoaxes, which runs on the same software, I had a traumatic experience trying to update from version 1.7 to 2.0. The update took the site offline for an entire week while I struggled to fix it. Lots of other people had similar experiences. It was a very buggy update.

So over here at WU, I figured if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Everything seemed to be working fine with version 1.7 of the software. So I never changed it.

The problem was, eventually the blogging software could no longer run on a modern server. So our webhost moved the site to a Victorian-era server in their back closet. (It's like trying to run Microsoft Word 97 on a modern computer. You can't do it. It can only run on an old computer.)

This is the condition we've been living in for quite a while. But finally, I decided it was time to return to the 21st century. So this weekend I updated the software from version 1.7 to 2.11. That doesn't get us to the most recent version of the software (which is 3.something), but it does let us return to a modern server!

However, the upgrade comes at a bit of a cost. We've lost some things in the right-hand colum, such as the list of Recent Comments, as well as the list of Recent Posts Ranked by # of Comments. I'm trying to figure out how to restore these.

But the site, otherwise, should be the same. Hopefully just a little faster. However, if you notice anything not working as it should, definitely let me know.
     Posted By: Alex - Sun Jul 24, 2016
     Category: Weird Universe

The site seems to be working but from what I can tell BD's not working.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 07/24/16 at 09:24 PM
I was having a problem with the captcha not accepting more than two characters earlier, but that seems to have been fixed. All seems well at present.
Posted by TheCannyScot on 07/24/16 at 09:50 PM
Seems OK, here. I've come around to calling these things "downgrades" until all is working right.
Posted by Virtual on 07/24/16 at 11:52 PM
I mostly run Linux and I am getting the usual with no mention of the recent comments. To add a link I would have to "Preview", do the math, and then "Submit". Now I type in a readable word and number to submit even if I don't have a link. Let's see what happens:
Posted by BMN on 07/25/16 at 01:34 AM
I'm not an expert of this site as the others are but the first thing I noticed is when posting comments, you must enter the image (word/number combination) every time. Before it would only ask for it occasionally.
Posted by GFinKS on 07/25/16 at 11:12 AM
Just posted on three articles and all seems well. My problem earlier had been getting the "Not Accepted" message which required solving the math problem. Did not see that today.
Posted by KDP on 07/25/16 at 01:36 PM
Both are working for me, right now. I can see both recent comments and frequently commented posts. That's on Win7, running Firefox.
Posted by Richard Bos on 07/25/16 at 05:31 PM
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