Skeet Shoot

So, as it turns out, its illegal to shoot down a drone even if its spying on you. Same penalty as shooting at an airplane.
     Posted By: Alex - Sat Dec 26, 2015
     Category: Drones | Law

Rubbish. That law states the aircraft is "employed in interstate commerce."
Posted by Virtual on 12/26/15 at 08:39 PM
If you're bothered by them, just install a decent irrigation system for your lawn. A couple of end guns for center pivot systems, mounted on posts at opposite ends of your yard, will provide good coverage. I wonder how well the drone will handle 100 gallons per minute at 80 psi. If the system is controlled by timers or moisture sensors, you can claim it was automatic, not your fault at all, that they flew into a known hazardous area, that they owe you damages for whatever it fell on.
Posted by Phideaux on 12/26/15 at 11:59 PM
Thank you, Patty, for opening the door.

Back when these quadcopters started to get popular they were tagged with the misnomer "drone". While "drone", technically can be applied to any remotely controlled vehicle the word is wrapped in military garb hence the extra punch the newsies were getting out of it.

Finally the hype and rhetoric got so thick that the FAA decided to cash in and flex their muscle and beef up their importance by DEMANDING that all UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) be registered; even the little half pound jobs. But, wait! That's not the whole story. What the FAA really wants registered is NOT the aircraft but the pilots! So, send in your $5.00, name, address & email and fly how many birds you want.
And this is even mandatory if you're going to fly them outside the US. FAA's "Drone" Registration Site) be registered!
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 12/27/15 at 12:41 AM
(part 2)
Now, just to make sure we keep this all "fair and balanced": Back in 1936 the Academy of Model Aeronautics was founded to promote the safe flying of model aircraft. I was a member some years ago and, as such, was given a tail number that was to be displayed on all my craft to identify me as the pilot and to make the planes eligable for the liability insurance that my annual dues provided. Not only is this match the exact end product of what the FAA is proposing but it exceeds it by also offering the insurance. The other big difference is that the list you've VOLUNTARILY put your name on with the AMA it's also not a government agency that is, according to the AMA overstepping their boundaries by disobeying a 2012 Special Rule for Model Aircraft from congress.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 12/27/15 at 12:42 AM
(part 3)
The 'rules' of model aircraft flight in regards to altitude and proximity to airports is not a new thing, nor were any of the existing regs unreasonable or difficult to adhere to. The current situation should be all about educating the new pilots on these rules and encouraging them to find and join a local aeromodeler's club and the AMA.

Was this "drone" hype a conspiracy cooked up by the news media and the government? I don't know but it's sure starting to smell fishy.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 12/27/15 at 12:43 AM
Not true
Posted by F.U.D. on 12/27/15 at 02:54 AM
I do most of my R/C flying now using Realflight 7. They do now have a drone simulator even though there are some in the airplane version. Here is the website if you're interested:
Posted by BrokeDad in Midwest US on 12/28/15 at 01:34 AM
@BD: I've tried aircraft simulators over the years (decades?) but I keep hitting the ground! But, the crazy thing is if/when I get into an X-Wing I can fly the Death Star & capital ships for hours and never crash into them. Go figure!
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 12/28/15 at 02:03 AM
The Government is very fond of keeping lists of its citizens and everything they do. This becomes more worrisome the less you trust the government and it has been less and less trustworthy in recent years.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 12/28/15 at 08:31 AM
@Expat: I have no problem with the R/C airplanes. Even flying upside down a foot off the ground. It just takes practice to remember the up/down/left/right orientations. I do have problems still though with non-stabilized helicopters. I've gotten older and lazier to actually take a real one out as much anymore. It's also hard to find a place to fly outside the club field because of the noise of a "gas" engine.
Posted by BrokeDad in Midwest US on 12/30/15 at 03:17 AM
@BD: I'd no problems with fix winged craft either but, yea, the choppers were WAY beyond me.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 12/30/15 at 06:06 AM
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