Underground Smog Shelter

Despite living on a hill that was relatively free of smog, millionaire Bill Bounds built an underground smog shelter where he could "breathe air filtered by activated charcoal."

"Bill Bounds at the entrance to his underground smog shelter"

Lansing State Journal - Dec 5, 1971

     Posted By: Alex - Fri Nov 18, 2022
     Category: Architecture | Urban Life | 1970s

There used to be a joke at the time where mothers would call their children to come inside to play in the fresh air.
Posted by KDP on 11/18/22 at 09:28 AM
Posted by Judy on 11/18/22 at 03:34 PM
And not just any Rackafelled, but Joan D., himself.
Posted by Virtual in Carnate on 11/20/22 at 03:30 AM
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