A man in rual Nantou County Tiawan was bitten by a rat snake last Monday. Not that unusual, except that he was sitting on the toilet at the time. And the snake was in the toilet. They say two heads are better than one, but not this time, as the snake bit him on the penis. At least it wasn't a poisonous snake. Story here-
     Posted By: Alex - Sun May 24, 2009

No worries patty, I can't splel either 😉

And OUCH! Urban Legend comes to life. When I was living in Detroit a few years ago, I almost sat down on a rat that had come up through the plumbing and was in my toilet. I called the landlord and all he did was flush the thing back down. I moved shortly after.
Posted by Nethie on 05/24/09 at 09:07 PM
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