Suddenly hated money

The recurring weird-news theme of people who destroy large amounts of money for various reasons (usually so that their heirs can't get their hands on it).

The Wilmington News Journal - Jan 8, 1963

She Saw Green
LONDON — Mrs. Doris Lilian Hawtree, 46, told a magistrate's court yesterday she tore up $700 after a quarrel with her daughter's mother-in-law made her suddenly "hate money."
     Posted By: Alex - Fri Aug 05, 2016
     Category: Money | 1960s

Let me get this straight - wouldn't her daughter's mother-in-law be the mother of her son-in-law? It sounds like they were in court over an unpaid debt. Gotta give Mrs. Hawtree points for creative excuse.
Posted by KDP on 08/05/16 at 10:48 AM
Assuming the London in question is in the UK (and not, say, Ontario or Kentucky), how and why would the money be in dollars? Although, I suppose that it would have been easier back then to just give the amount in dollars, rather than to have to explain that not everywhere uses dollars as currency. If so, that would have been £250/0/0.
Posted by TheCannyScot on 08/05/16 at 07:39 PM
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