suicide contest

If you're running a promotion contest so stupid that you're bound to attract contestants with problems, you have to protect them
The lawsuit was settled in private, so who knows what they decided, but a widow had sued the Nissan dealer in Longview, Tex., because her husband committed suicide during a break in the contest to see who could hold his hand on a truck the longest. She said he was obviously nutso at the 48-hour mark, ran over to a Wal-Mart, broke into a gun cabinet, pulled one out, and shot himself, and thus, obviously, the Nissan dealer didn't provide a "safe environment" for contestants who had "temporarily lost their sanity." Associated Press via Fox News
     Posted By: Chuck - Mon Aug 18, 2008
     Category: Suicide

Why didn't she sue K-Mart for allowing him to break into a gun cabinet and steal gun and ammo or even the Texas department of highways for not providing fences to stop people from crossing in the middle of the block or maybe Longview's police force for not enforcing j-walking laws?

Wait!!!! Why not sue this woman for extortion by threatening to bring a spurious suit against the dealer?
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 08/19/08 at 02:32 AM
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