Summer of ‘63

Those crazy mixed-up kids and their wacky venereal diseases....
     Posted By: Paul - Wed Nov 28, 2012
     Category: PSA’s | Sexuality | Teenagers | 1960s | Disease

Cool post Paul! The great Tom Lehrer wrote a Song about this during the same time frame.
BTW, Doesn't Cool Post Paul sound like a movie title? :lol:
Posted by Tyrusguy on 11/28/12 at 11:00 AM
You can tell that Christmas is right around the corner, Ty's already started working on Paul for good stocking stuffers!
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 11/28/12 at 12:48 PM
It reminded me of a Jewish porno movie - 5 minutes of sex and 15 minutes of guilt.
Posted by KDP on 11/28/12 at 03:01 PM
@Expat, I resemble that remark! :coolmad:
JK, I was having a bad night last night, so while watching an episode of cheers I saw the following.
The patrons were naming movies that all took place in the jungle or the desert, each dismissed the others as wrong. Then, in walked Frasier. After greeting everyone, He asked what they were arguing about. "The sweatiest movie ever made" said Norm. "Cool hand Luke" said Frasier, Instantly ending the argument. :lol:
Posted by Tyrusguy on 11/28/12 at 06:32 PM
You know this could be a full length movie with the dark hired girl telling the blonde about the vd. Then the kid and his buddy getting into a fist fight. Ooo Cool Post Paul! I like it and it does fit him perfectly.(no I am not sucking up either!)
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 11/28/12 at 07:59 PM
Tom Lehrer: I Got It From Agnes

70s era PSA - VD is for Everybody

A lot has changed since then. It's not so funny any more....

-Cougar :{)
Posted by Cougar Allen on 11/29/12 at 04:49 PM
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