Summer Redneck Games

Held annually in Dublin, Georgia since 1996. Events include redneck horseshoes (using toilet seats), the mud pit belly flop, armpit serenade, watermelon seed spitting, and bobbing for pig's feet. They also promise you'll see a lot of butt crack, camouflage, and four-wheel drives.

More info: Summer Redneck Games, pinterest

     Posted By: Alex - Fri May 19, 2017
     Category: Awards, Prizes, Competitions and Contests | Games | Hillbillies, Country Bumpkins, Ruralism and Flyover Country

I don't see any pictures of noodling competitions. They can't be real Rednecks.
Posted by KDP on 05/19/17 at 04:50 PM
They did have a Hubcap Hurl and an Armpit Serenade. Games were apparently canceled in 2013, due to declining attendance.
Posted by Virtual on 05/21/17 at 11:20 AM
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