Sweet Dreams

See three more videos by Kirsten Lepore here.

     Posted By: Paul - Sun Dec 07, 2008
     Category: Art | Surrealism | Food | Nutrition | Sexuality | Video | Cartoons

Patty--it's like in the Disney universe: Donald goes fishing, and the fish are not sentient. But ducks are?!?
Posted by Paul on 12/07/08 at 01:08 PM
How come the rain and flooding made short order of the cube house, but the boat lasted quite well except for a small hole?
Posted by jswolf19 in Japan on 12/08/08 at 06:29 AM
Ah, that might explain how he had more carrots than seeds, too, then ^_^
Posted by jswolf19 in Japan on 12/08/08 at 07:28 AM
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