Swift Pavilion, 1939 World’s Fair

The exhibition hall for Swift's was shaped like a giant hotdog.

     Posted By: Paul - Sat May 20, 2017
     Category: Architecture | Fairs, Amusement Parks, and Resorts | Food | 1930s

My first thought was that the pavilion resembled an airplane. According to this article, that was done intentionally. https://goo.gl/Fhh9mM (I hope this shortened url works.)
Posted by Fritz G on 05/20/17 at 07:06 AM
Excellent find, Fritz G. I'm going for a giant hotdog airliner as subtext.
Posted by Paul on 05/20/17 at 07:14 AM
To me, the top photo looks like an upside-down rowboat.

If it's supposed to be a hot dog, all I can say is a wiener with a vein that big on top ain't going into my mouth!
Posted by Phideaux on 05/20/17 at 07:33 PM
An upside-down Viking longship, I'd say. I doubt many visitors knew what they were supposed to be seeing.
Posted by Virtual on 05/21/17 at 10:58 AM
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