The 1941 Slide Rule Queen

This honor was bestowed by my home state's university, the University of Rhode Island.

     Posted By: Paul - Fri Jul 19, 2024
     Category: Awards, Prizes, Competitions and Contests | Beauty, Ugliness and Other Aesthetic Issues | Science | 1940s | Universities, Colleges, Private Schools and Academia

"A gay crowd" has a very different meaning now. 😉
Posted by Mike on 07/19/24 at 11:16 AM
Forget the “gay crowd” part, this is much, much worse.

It’s unclear if Ms. Armbrust was a matriculating engineering student.

If so, being called an “engineerette” is pretty demeaning for a female in a (especially at the time) male dominated field.

If not, being called an “engineerette” and being given a key (presumably ceremonial) to the engineering building is somehow worse.
Posted by crc on 07/19/24 at 12:03 PM
I was going to say (as a card-carrying geek) that I'd much rather have a slide rule queen than a stack o' hay princess, but apparently you can't even compliment a woman on her brains these days without being called a misogynist.
Posted by Richard Bos on 07/20/24 at 09:27 AM
You can certainly not compliment a woman on her brains and call her an "engineerette" at the same time.
Posted by Yudith on 08/03/24 at 07:04 AM
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