The Blacky Pictures Test

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What kind of kids' book is this? A Freudian one, to elicit psychosexual reactions from unsuspecting youngsters. Kids would be asked to interpret these loaded pictures, telling stories that revealed their supposed neuroses. Poor Oedipal Blacky, chewing up "Mama's" collar!

The Blacky Pictures were developed in 1950. They have been described as ‘a technique for the exploration of personality dynamics’ in children. They were developed by G. S. Blum in 1949. Each of the 12 cards making up the test feature a dog named ‘Blacky’. Each cartoon represents a different stage of psychosexual development (the way sexual behaviour develops, according to psychoanalysts). The test also looks at family relationships.

These five images are the only ones I have been able to find on the web, out of the 12 originals.
     Posted By: Paul - Fri Jun 08, 2012
     Category: Sexuality | Psychology | Children | Dogs | 1950s

I'm of the firm belief that crap like this (and TV today) lead kids to believe that they SHOULD BE flawed by something they experienced.

See a real, live, gun? - 2 hours of quackary
See mom & dad making the 2back beast? - 1 year at the shrinkologists
Hear about somebody dying? - 2 years on the couch
See a dead body? - total regression back 4 or 5 lifetimes
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 06/08/12 at 09:50 AM
@Expat - I agree.
The question I have is who is more "disturbed" the people who make up these pictures and then show them to kids (and I'm sure there were no leading questions, wink-wink-nod-nod) or the kids who would rather be outside playing with friends?
Posted by Todd on 06/08/12 at 10:01 AM
I've always thought that psychiatry and psychology were an offshoot of shamanism and witch doctors. I always loved it when some psychology student would try to tell me about myself when I was at university. Never could get anything right.
Posted by KDP on 06/08/12 at 02:28 PM
"You zeem to haff a strange obzession!"

"Well, YOU'RE the one who's showing me these pictures."
Posted by Mark in Boston on 06/08/12 at 05:25 PM
Blacky has issues because he does not resemble the rest of his family.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 06/08/12 at 10:14 PM
@Patty: I thought that too. Along with the era in which these were developed the "black dog" was a pretty strong symbol.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 06/08/12 at 11:38 PM
@Expat I agree. I grew up in the 60s and 70s. When I was in first grade a whole bunch of us saw a kid smeared when he ran across the street in front of the school bus. They didn't bring in all sorts of counselors, hold all sorts of memorials - the school was closed down for the morning, long enough to move the body and hose down the road and sidewalk. None of us seem to have been warped beyond bearing - no little serial killers or BDSM kids came out of the matter.
Posted by Aruvqan on 06/09/12 at 02:49 PM
No, sadly, this is the only one. We've been looking at it now for just years and years but we still fell it's relevant and we find new and interesting tidbits with each daily visit, you twit!
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 10/06/12 at 01:57 AM
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