The End (but maybe a new beginning?)

To all our readers, sadly I'm the bearer of bad news. It looks like Weird Universe is winding down to a close. We're going to have to pull the plug on this experiment in weirdness.

Chuck and Paul will both be posting their own messages soon, but basically the situation is that the site is proving too time consuming, to the point that it's interfering with our efforts to make a living. (Wish it weren't so... but that's the cold, hard facts.) So we've had to make a choice, and we've chosen to call it a day.

Having said that, I have to admit I feel very bad simply abandoning this community of fellow devotees of weirdness. So I'm searching for some way to allow the site to survive without the need for Chuck, Paul, and I to come up with content every day.

My idea (which may prove to be hare-brained) is to hand the site over to you, the readers. We'd let members post content. In essence, this would turn Weird Universe into a kind of metafilter-style blog.

I haven't thought through all the ins and outs of this yet, but if enough people express an interest to make the idea seem like it might have a shot at working, then I'll keep posting stuff (just not every day), and Chuck, I believe, will continue to post material here, but on a weekly (not daily) basis.

Of course, I can't offer people who are willing to post stuff any money, 'cause the site doesn't make any money to speak of. But I can offer an audience of a couple of thousand readers.

If no one is interested in this, then the site gets mothballed.

Let me know your thoughts!

     Posted By: Alex - Fri May 01, 2009

Sheesh, I go away for a couple of days to save the world (I can't tell you more, I'd have to kill you) and you guys go and want to shut down my favorite website? I say Nay! Nay I say. Gimme an address to submit my weirdness. I'll do whatever I can to help keep this site up.
Posted by Nethie on 05/02/09 at 09:28 AM
Thanks patty <3

I count all of you guys as weirdo friends too. And yeah, I already sent an email to Alex letting him know that I am available to help out in any way that I can. Who knew that I would be sending an actual application to become a WU intern :lol:
Posted by Nethie on 05/02/09 at 09:46 AM
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