The Faces in the Broccoli

Cascadian Farm sells frozen organic broccoli florets. That's not particularly unusual.

But look closer. Can you see the tiny disembodied heads floating amidst the broccoli bits?

When contacted about it, Cascadian Farms offered this reply:
The tradition of hiding names or faces on Cascadian Farm packaging began over a dozen years ago. It was unspoken tribute by the package design department to the friends & family of Cascadian Farm. The faces won’t be included on our redesigned packaging.
     Posted By: Alex - Mon Nov 17, 2008
     Category: Food | Advertising

I don't know, Heidi, seems like one whale of a marketing idea. Plus the benefit of giving your employees a little 'jolt' that doesn't cost you a dime!

Now they say they're going to quit?
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 11/17/08 at 10:20 AM
I would have totally bought that brand of broccoli just to keep the kids busy...
Posted by KW in Dallas, TX on 11/17/08 at 10:39 AM
And now all I have to do is Photoshop the image to look like a likeness of the Virgin Mary or Jesus Christ (or Obama!!) and email it to every Christian group web site I can find. Grocery stores everywhere will have people on their knees in the frozen food sections in no time! Heads up to the WU readers: buy Cascadian Foods shares now before it goes out of the average investor's price range!
agent j
Posted by agent j in Toronto, Canada on 11/17/08 at 11:37 AM
Broccoli is people! It's peeeepulllh!
Posted by John in O-high-O on 11/17/08 at 11:43 AM
Big Gary - Drop some acid dude. You'll start seeing faces everywhere.
Posted by Madd Maxx on 11/17/08 at 12:36 PM
Big Gary - I'm coming to spend Christmas by your house.
Posted by Madd Maxx on 11/17/08 at 12:45 PM
If they start talking to me I'm going to scream and run
Posted by Jules in Connecticut on 11/17/08 at 02:23 PM
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