The Kenmore High Cheerleading Chant

Here's the latest image gone viral. I spotted it on, but you can also find it on any number of blogs or facebook posts. My first thought -- I'm pretty sure this is Chuck's work! So posting it here to give some credit where credit is due.

     Posted By: Alex - Sun Mar 11, 2012
     Category: Racism | School | Sports | Can’t Possibly Be True

:) And free viral advertising for Gary's sugar waxing for men in Normal Heights!
Posted by Bunnsarelli on 03/11/12 at 11:05 AM
So, just what is "Sugar Waxing"? Well, in case you don't know the answer to that question here's the (an) answer: Sugar Waxing
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 03/11/12 at 11:31 AM
I hadn't noticed the Normal Heights address. So this must be from the San Diego Reader.
Posted by Alex on 03/11/12 at 04:58 PM
Well now there will be a huge deal made of this and the girls will all be in trouble. My question is who started this 'tradition' in the first place? I agree Alex, good of you to bring Chuck's work home.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 03/11/12 at 06:46 PM
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