The Society of Disappointed Lovers

From the Lockport Daily Journal - Mar. 21, 1890. I can't find any mention of the existence of this society after 1890, so perhaps they all failed the requirement to "shun female society," and the society promptly ceased to exist.

Disappointed Lovers Form a Society
A society of disappointed lovers has been formed at Wilmington, Del. A dozen well known young men, including a lawyer, several politicians and a merchant, met in a hotel, where the nature of the organization was explained. It is designed as a mutual consolation society, and any man to be eligible to membership must have been engaged and the engagement must have been broken by the fair one. The constitution requires every man to shun female society at all times, and a violation of the rules is punished by expulsion. The men appended their names to the constitution and related their experiences in the courting line.
     Posted By: Alex - Wed Sep 04, 2013
     Category: Couples | Nineteenth Century

Plainly the inspiration for this famous Stooges vehicle:
Posted by Paul on 09/04/13 at 09:56 AM
My first thought, also, Paul. The smallest things can be inspiration for art.
Posted by KDP on 09/04/13 at 11:04 AM
So, "a mutual consolation society" is what they called it back in 1890 or is that a New England thing?
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 09/04/13 at 01:03 PM
Quit breaking WUvian hearts patty or more will end up in this old society 😜 :red:
Posted by BrokeDad in Midwest US on 09/04/13 at 04:57 PM
Actually, I think this society still exists - they just changed the name. They're now called the YMCA.
Posted by Richard Bos on 09/04/13 at 04:57 PM
Sounds like the he-man woman haters society. :lol:
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 09/04/13 at 08:43 PM
@ Patty, LiL Rascals ha! :lol:
Yet another group killed by internet porn! :coolsmile:
Posted by Tyrusguy on 09/04/13 at 10:30 PM
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