The Tel-Tech Multiplexer is like the ideal wife

The ad below reminded me of the "How to choose a pot like you choose a husband" ad we posted recently.

The requirements for a good husband were: One you don't have to replace every few years (durable), not flashy, not troublesome, steady and well-balanced.

The ideal wife, on the other hand (according to the Tel-Tech Corporation), was exciting and beautiful in the integrity of design, required no periodic maintenance, and served you with absolute trust and dependability year after year.

Also: "You recover the cost in just a few months and then you are dollars ahead every day. Perfect host to any terminal, handles intermixed speeds, and adapts easily from 2 to 38 channels. Available immediately. Just plug in and go."

Sounds like a sexbot.

Computerworld - Sep 10, 1969

     Posted By: Alex - Sat Feb 08, 2025
     Category: Technology | Wives | Marriage | 1960s

While the pot is like a regular good husband, the multiplexer is more like a fantasized version of a Stepford wife. Now who's the practical one? Men, or women?
Posted by Yudith on 02/10/25 at 06:31 AM
I would never choose a wife who just jabbered back what I said to her.
Posted by Richard Bos on 02/15/25 at 11:32 AM
@Yudith: the practical ones are the men - rarely women - who do not fall for the advertiser's lies.
Posted by Richard Bos on 02/15/25 at 11:33 AM

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