They’re Animal Crazy

It's okay to love animals. But some people take it to the next level and go animal crazy.
A 15 year old Colorado boy was found to have 53 baby birds in his bedroom. The birds had been taken from neighborhood nests. The birdbrained teen said he didn't know why he did it. He's been charged with animal cruelty and the baby birds were comfiscated.
Outside New York City Hall a dozen protesters gathered to support beekeeping. There is an ordinance against having bees, venomous snakes, ferrets, and elephants in the city. Protesters want beekeeping to be legal and are also supporting a Brooklyn beekeeper who had her hives removed.
A woman in New Mexico claims her bunny rescuing got 'a little out of control'. Over the last 12 years she has been taking in homeless rabbits. She says she tried to keep boys and girls seperate but the boys kept jumping the fence. Now after a neighbor's complaint 334 rabbits have been removed from the woman's yard and she has been sited under a city ordenance against having more than 5 pets per household.
It's not always real animals that people go crazy over either. Peeps, the candy chicks, and Easter stickers constitute religious free speech according to the lawsuit filed by a Boulder, Colorado woman. When she refused to remove them from her apartment door after Easter her landlord removed them. The woman then stopped paying rent and was subsequently evicted.
BONUS: This one isn't so much animal crazy people as animals driving people crazy. A portion of Interstate 430 in Arkansas had to be shut down and traffic diverted due to hogs, well, hogging the road. The animals had escaped an overturned tractor-trailer and had to be caught and removed. Sounds simple? These hogs were up to 800 pounds a piece.
     Posted By: Alex - Wed Jun 24, 2009

How is protesting in favor of legalizing beekeeping weird? The juxtaposition of animals banned by the same ordinance is what's goofy. As a hobbyist beekeeper in an urban area, when I first took up apiculture, some neighbors shat a brick and tried to get beekeeping banned by the city. We just barely got them to regulate it instead. I support urban beekeeping.
Posted by venomlash on 06/25/09 at 10:59 AM
Wow William, lighten up. Surely you have better things to get your panties into a twist over? Or are you still upset that someone stole your fake crack idea? :cheese:
Posted by Nethie on 06/26/09 at 02:41 AM
cum and riding are correctly spelled within a functional sentence. You can't even misspell correctly. Fail.

Sieg hail William! You F bomb dropping grammar nazi. Can I be like, your side kick? I'm probably younger than you and a little less grouchy but I can make some scary faces on cue.
Posted by Pablo on 06/26/09 at 12:40 PM
:coolgrin: I'm pretty upset with this spelling as well. Peeps aren't something to be made light of. You go William. You stand up like the marshmellow chicken lover you are!!!
Posted by Mini Viking on 06/26/09 at 01:27 PM
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