The Thousand Egg Club

Do you eat at least 1000 eggs a year? If so, you're a member of the 'Thousand Egg Club.'

The club was created by the National Poultry and Egg Board in 1957. Several political figures who swore to eat 1000 eggs a year were given certificates of memberships. But as far as I know, the general public couldn't send away for a certificate.

I usually eat two eggs for breakfast every day. But I doubt I eat enough eggs in addition to that to reach 1000.

Rochester Democrat and Chronicle - Mar 27, 1957

Glen Falls Post-Star - July 31, 1959

     Posted By: Alex - Wed Oct 02, 2024
     Category: Clubs, Fraternities and Other Self-selecting Organizations | Eggs | 1950s

If they accepted the general public, there would be a lot of poor students in the Thousand Egg club. It's easy to eat four eggs a day when it's your only source of protein.
Posted by Yudith on 10/03/24 at 05:06 AM
That's 2.7 eggs a day. Subtract the two at breakfast, and you're left with less than one egg a day from other sources.

I read somewhere (which means someone believes it and I have no proof otherwise) that each Twinkie has 1/16 of an egg in it. If you eat only eleven Twinkies a day, you're getting your extra 7/10.

Egg salad, chef's salad, many cakes and noodles, etc. etc. etc. all contain eggs. People joining this 'club' only have to be a little mindful in their snack/lunch choices.
Posted by Phideaux on 10/03/24 at 12:13 PM

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