TSA In The News

Someone sent the above picture to CNN, it was taken at the Orlando air marshal field office. As you can see, it's a dry erase board with a Jeopardy-like grid. Written in the squares are insulting references used by the field office managers for groups of passengers. Pickle smokers=gay men, our gang=african-americans, creatures=lesbians and so on. The TSA is investigating now that the picture has been on CNN and they have a clue. Perhaps the TSA should screen potential employees as vigorously as they screen potential fliers. First rule, bigots need not apply.
     Posted By: Alex - Sun Jan 31, 2010

florida again, what a suprise. 😕 someone is gonna be unemployed soon.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 01/31/10 at 09:13 AM
mw, i went looking for more definitions for above and could not find any. i'm sure they will all come out later. what i did find is a disturbing story about a transgender federal air marshal being horribly descriminated against at that field office.
worth the read and disturbing as well. makes me think of that quote about nazi germany- they came for the jews and i said nothing...
i hope to read about a sucessful resolution of the problem that cleans out the bigots in the federal air marshals and tsa. saying we won't stand for descrimination and enforcing that stand are 2 different things. i know this is a bit serious for wu but that's why i didn't post the story, just stuck it here in comments for those interested.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 01/31/10 at 06:37 PM
what the hell is wrong with the tsa in orlando?!
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 01/31/10 at 09:06 PM
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