The Tweter, sweater for two

The tweter was a fashion gimmick introduced in 1963. It continued to be sold for about a year before the public lost interest.

Lexington Herald - Nov 1, 1963

Life - Oct 25, 1963

For young women, the tweter apparently posed some challenges. If they agreed to wear it, were they implicitly agreeing to do more than just holding hands? Molly Mayfield thought so.

Tucson Daily Citizen - Dec 5, 1963

     Posted By: Alex - Wed May 18, 2022
     Category: Fashion | 1960s | Love & Romance

Apparently Molly Mayfield thinks tweter rhymes with cheater, not with sweater.
Posted by ges on 05/18/22 at 07:34 AM
$25 in 1963 = $250 now. If that was "all his money" she's better off without him.

I think it boils down to whether she was wearing a blouse. If she wasn't, then she should have been expecting what happened. If she was, why did she wait until halftime to take it off?

Posted by Phideaux on 05/18/22 at 08:20 AM
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