Twin Telepathy

1965: Two eye doctors published an article in the journal Science detailing what appeared to be a form of telepathy found in two sets of twins. The brainwaves of the twins seemed to be linked. When the brainwaves of one changed (by having him close his eyes), the brainwaves of the other twin would change also, even though the two were in separate rooms.

The doctors examined 16 sets of twins, but only found the linked brainwave phenomenon in two of them. Why these two? The doctors speculated that they were "serene" whereas the other twins demonstrated "impatient anxiety and apprehension about the testing procedure."

It's surprising the doctors got their article published in Science, since that journal doesn't usually consider anything that smacks too much of parapsychology.

You can find a copy of their Science article ("Extrasensory Electroencephalographic Induction between Identical Twins") here.

More info about twin telepathy at Psi Encyclopedia.

Los Angeles Times - Dec 22, 1965

Science - Oct 15, 1965

     Posted By: Alex - Sun Nov 12, 2023
     Category: Paranormal | Science | Psychology | Twins, Lookalikes & Doppelgangers | 1960s

Spooky action at a distance ?
Posted by Virtual on 11/12/23 at 09:14 AM
I ran across an article once long ago which completely changed my view on the subject. It stated that if ESP exists in any form, it must be useless. It argued that if an animal had even the smallest amount of precognition or telepathy, its chance of survival would be significantly higher (prey animals could avoid predators; predators could find hidden prey). Evolution dictates that anything which increases survival will, eventually, become a common trait and develop to an economic maximum.

Ergo, either ESP doesn't exist or it has no practical application.

I would like to see this experiment performed under more controlled conditions. I'd be particularly interested in seeing the results if they'd found a proper pair and sent one to the other side of the world so they could measure if there's a time delay . . .
Posted by Phideaux on 11/12/23 at 11:37 AM
Paul gave me a heads up that twin telepathy plays a central role in the 1956 Heinlein novel 'Time for the Stars'.
Posted by Alex on 11/12/23 at 04:09 PM
I was remembering 'Time for the Stars' myself! Great read, if you enjoy that '50s YA stuff.
Posted by R'Chard on 11/12/23 at 10:45 PM
I have mirror identical twins sons & my father was an identical twin. In my experience, there is a link between identical twins that doesn't exist between other siblings. My sons have a mind boggling ability to have a full conversation with each other, rapidly & speaking at the same time and fully understand each other. I've certainly witnessed many times when both sets of twins appear to "be of one mind." Kind of creepy really.
Posted by Teri on 11/13/23 at 01:33 AM
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