Two Great Things That Go Great Together

Football And lingerie another post for you fellas out there. Miami Caliente vs. New York Majesty, I seriously doubt anyone with a y chromosome who watched this could tell you who won. But I bet they had a good time! More pics available at the link.
     Posted By: Alex - Thu Dec 10, 2009

i wonder if the ladies have a high rate of injury. football is a rough sport and they aren't wearing much protection.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 12/10/09 at 08:31 PM
I actually read something about this not too long ago and some of the comments from the guys on that article were laughable. They seemed torn between wanting to watch the scantily clad ladies run around, and saying that football is a man's sport and far too dangerous to be played without all the protective gear the pros wear. The wittle women could get a boo boo!
Posted by Nethie on 12/10/09 at 11:11 PM
An one kn ow ow to get dro o l ..ut of a ke y boa rd ?
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 12/11/09 at 04:22 AM
wayne uses a squeegie, but that's on the monitor screen. try blowing on it while looking at pics of chattanoga hookers so you don't add any more drool. :lol:
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 12/11/09 at 05:41 PM
Everyone knows that if women want to perform in a rough sport, they should stick to jello wrestling.
Posted by Madd Maxx on 12/12/09 at 04:27 PM
congrats brian, you just invented strip football. i guess they'll have to dye their hair team colors to denote sides.(or go curlies and skins)
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 12/13/09 at 04:30 AM
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