Uniforms Are Sexy?  Who Would Have Guessed?

There's a fetish for everyone, and we mock most of them here. So let's add one more to the list. The crisp, no-nonsense uniforms worn by the crewmembers of New Japan Airlines have been much desired for decades. Of course there are plenty of imitations to be bought, but the real thing, previously worn, is considered to be worth any price. Airlines have gone so far as to add serial numbers and computer chips into the garments. So why all the fuss now, when this has been a long standing issue? Because New Japan Airlines declared bankruptcy in January and they are very worried that their laid-off workers will start selling their uniforms for profit. You can read more about it on The Australian.
     Posted By: Nethie - Thu Mar 04, 2010
     Category: Costumes and Masks | Fashion | Sexuality | Fetishes

Yustawaz it was worth day-dreamin' about getting into stewardess' uniforms, but not so much any more.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 03/04/10 at 10:07 AM
I used to work for Federal Express. The drivers are all independent contractors who have to buy their uniforms, trucks, etc. Can't imagine how you could stop them from selling it, if they wanted to... although I guess the company could insist on some sort of policy for security reasons. Imagine a serial killer dressed as the UPS man. We tend to trust those uniforms blindly and open the door without question.
Posted by Nethie on 03/04/10 at 02:33 PM
it doesn't impress me, but then i don't swing that way. what do the male flight attendants wear? (i know- whatever they want they're laid off :coolsmirk: )
nethie you're absolutely right about the ups uniforms or any workman or delivery uniforms. it's scary when you think about it.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 03/04/10 at 08:20 PM
I think men in uniform, military uniforms, are sexy, so I can understand the idea behind it. Not sure I would invest more in one that was 'previously worn' though...
Posted by Nethie on 03/05/10 at 08:17 AM
i'm assuming men want the previously worn (and not laundered) ones as a fetish type of thing.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 03/05/10 at 09:34 PM
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