Unofficial Insignia of the 509th Operations Group

Info from wikipedia:

In addition to its official insignia, during B-2 stealth bomber test flights, some members of the 509th Bomb Wing procured an unofficial insignia involving an alien, the legend To Serve Man (referring to a famous Twilight Zone episode), and the inscription Gustatus Similis Pullus (Dog Latin for "Tastes like chicken").

     Posted By: Alex - Mon Nov 11, 2024
     Category: Aliens | Military

Look up "Black Triangle UFOs" to understand the joke.
Posted by eddi on 11/11/24 at 04:22 AM
Excuse me, a famous Damon Knight short story which got turned into a Twilight Zone episode. Let's get the original credits right.
Posted by Richard Bos on 11/16/24 at 05:34 AM
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