View from the Ledge (June 20, 2016)

View From The Ledge

(Chuck channels the spirits of his landmark 1980-1996 zine)
June 20, 2016

Start Spreading the News: A "DEA lawyer" who says he's in the loop told a reporter for the Santa Monica Observer that cannabis will be moved from a Schedule I Controlled Substance (i.e., no medical benefit) to Schedule II (rx's OK in all states) on 8-1-2016. The SMO published this bit on Saturday, but it has been slow to catch on laughed off by legit sites concerned with who the hell "DEA lawyer" is. You heard it here first--or second, or whenever. [Santa Monica Observer]

Oh, You Didn't Know? GAO reported that, yet again, the federal workforce is wonderful (78% of middle managers are "outstanding," precisely 1% performing poorly). [Washington Post]

Bell Curves
Yr Ed, being a hobbyist statistician, unavoidably sees everyday life in a series of Bell Curves (fat ones, skinny ones, short-tailed, long-tailed, whatever). It's been my occupation for 28 yrs to imagine the median and seek the tails--especially, of course, the left tails, which is the direction most often marking failures. Sometimes, I just don't know how the characterization goes (as the pro football running back John Riggins once said, of those in the Washington, D.C., establishment who were puzzling him, "I don't know whether I'm ahead of 'em or behind 'em, but I know I'm not even with 'em"). Hence, my wiseass-neutral The Passing Parade, below.

What you need to remember is that, say, when Reagan became president, the population of the U.S. was 225m; today, it's 315m. That's 90m more people (births minus deaths), and they create a boatload more possibilities of daily life. Yeah, much has happened to shape the personalities and lifestyles of everyone, but, in addition, there are just many more possibilities now than then because there are many more people. So if you're a certain age (let's see, 1980 was 36 yrs ago), don't be shocked. And guess what--it's gonna get worse . . . or, y'know, better, much better.

The Passing Parade (I): A guy last week got caught trying to smuggle an iguana into the Boulder County (Colo.) courthouse. [ed. It doesn't matter what the reason was, but anyway, there wasn't one.] [Daily Camera (Boulder)] The Passing Parade (II): Oops--need to feel better about my country; let's go to Europe. He started, 5 yrs ago, with about 100 bottle caps, and now has about 10,000 umm , no, actually, a million no, wait, what? About 10 million. He's "donating" them to a family recently struck by tragedy. I guess they appreciate the sentiment . . .. [The Local (Vienna)] The Passing Parade (III): A Japanese family lives and works in a house shaped (and labeled "MILK") like a milk carton. Oh, wait. That doesn't count on my thesis b/c it's Japan. My bad. [Fark]

From a column by Eduardo Porter: "It's possible the United States will soon be governed by a president who rode into office partly by appealing to popular resentment against China, a country where overt nationalism is a central plank of the government's claim to authority. What would happen if an incident in the South China Sea [cf. Gulf of Tonkin incident which started the Vietnam War] ended with 200 dead American sailors?" [NY Times, 5-25-2016]

Back on Wednesday. WeirdNews at the domain earthlink dot net.
     Posted By: Chuck - Mon Jun 20, 2016

DEA- Weed should be legal to prescribe. Barbiturates are. Opiates are. Amphetamines are...

gov middle management- Look at the upper management, it doesn't take much to impress those idiots.

court house smuggle- Iguana come in!

10 mill bottle caps- Scrap them, they are made of steel.

milk carton- Look out the window and you look like a missing child picture.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 06/20/16 at 06:08 PM
If they legalized cannabis nationwide, I would smoke a joint (and I can't stand the stuff). There are a helluva lot of people who could benefit medicinally though.
Posted by Douglas Adams on 06/20/16 at 10:19 PM
I see the New York Times is still becoming less coherent by the day. One would think they'd have hit rock-bottom by now.
Posted by A Nonny Mouse on 06/21/16 at 09:04 AM
GAO: and who did the surveys? Were they, perhaps, middle manglers?
Posted by Richard Bos on 06/21/16 at 06:20 PM
Weed has no medical benefit, which is why it has not been available for prescriptions. If it is legalized, all chemicals should be legal for prescription. Or if you are a Libertarian, all chemicals should be legal without a prescription.
Posted by RobK on 06/29/16 at 11:32 AM
And your medical credentials for that statement, going against the professional opinion of a considerable number of qualified doctors, are which exactly, RobK?
Posted by Richard Bos on 06/29/16 at 01:15 PM
Marijuana quells nausea and eases pain which is very helpful for cancer and AIDS patents. It is also used to treat seizure disorder and glaucoma quite reliably. Some stress issues are helped with pot too. These are not guesses, these are well established medical and scientific facts. In many cases marijuana is more effective and far less toxic than medications used in its place. To say it has no medical value is ludicrous in the extreme and shows how much your political views have distorted your thinking process RobK. Suffering that can be avoided but isn't due to lack of understanding or political posturing is a tragedy.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 06/29/16 at 01:52 PM
And there's promising research on marijuana as a treatment for Alzheimer's as well. Perhaps our friend RobK receives a paycheck with the word "Pharmaceuticals" on it?
Posted by Pup Tentacle on 06/30/16 at 10:27 AM
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