Voo Doo Magazine

Would you expect the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to feature an extant humor magazine, whose first issue was published in 1919? Well, it's a fact.

You can read scores of issues here.

     Posted By: Paul - Tue Mar 19, 2024
     Category: Humor | Magazines | 1910s | Universities, Colleges, Private Schools and Academia

Is that Rock Hudson and Judy Carne on the cover of the second magazine? Any guesses from anyone else?
Posted by Patrick on 03/19/24 at 08:59 AM
I think that might be Carol Burnett!
Posted by Paul on 03/19/24 at 03:16 PM
Given the famous pranks pulled by MIT students (just google MIT pranks), it's not surprising that they had a humor magazine.

Here's a Harvard vs. MIT joke: https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-los-angeles-times-mit-cant-read-or/77814429/
Posted by ges on 03/19/24 at 07:49 PM
From May '68 Voo Doo Magazine's page 3.
Shown on V.D. Guide's cover this week are the rising new stars Connie Linkes and Rod Fellas, hard at work on their new show, "Annie, Gotcha 'Gain" premiering this week on Channel 69, Tuesdays at 8:30. We talked to producer Clyde Torres, whose arousing documentary, "Crisis in Black and Blue" merited a full page spread in a widely read Eastern University's humor magazine; Clyde explained to our reporter that, with"Annie, gotcha 'Gain," he is trying "to fill the void in Television entertainment between Soupy Sales and Midnight Meditation." Clyde is one of a growing host of daring young televis- ion pruducers whose standard has long been "If it's good enough for me, it's good
. ." has been fighting a long and hard battle against the restraints of the establishment -censorship, narrow- mindedness, taste . . . He feels that the new show will be a great step forward in the annals of Television history. Certainly, his two co-stars, Connie and Rod, seem to agree; we managed to catch them in one of their in- frequent breaks, and both panted words of praise, both for the script, and the producer. Said Connie, "It looks like it's gonna be an awful lot of. . ." fun. Judging from this week's cover, we can't help but agree.
Posted by eddi on 03/20/24 at 05:37 AM
People shouldn't look down on MIT students. After all, they weren't able to get into Georgia Tech.
Posted by Virtual in Carnate on 03/20/24 at 10:18 AM
@eddi -- I saw that too, but I couldn't find any of those names listed on IMDb.com. It's possible they were local and flopped disastrously before doing anything notable, but I strongly suspect they're fabrications.

Rock Hudson was on the Carol Burnett show a couple of times in those years, so it's probably a publicity still from that.
Posted by Phideaux on 03/21/24 at 12:16 AM
Phideaux - Given the source, Occam's Razor agrees with you. And that paragraph of cliches sounds like a parody of campus free speech wonks.
Posted by eddi on 03/21/24 at 04:21 AM
I'm surprised nobody commented on the Connie Linkes joke. The last name has two syllables. Fellas is presumably a play on phallus.
Posted by ges on 03/21/24 at 09:37 AM
I didn't comment on Connie Linkes because I didn't catch it. If there's a joke in Rod Fellas or Clyde Torres, it went over my head.
Posted by Phideaux on 03/21/24 at 07:43 PM
ges - Sophomoric humor in a college magazine. That puts the question of who is on the cover firmly back in the "Rock Hudson/Carol Burnett" believers court. And thank you for making me smile.
Posted by eddi on 03/22/24 at 05:41 AM
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