Want to Live Forever?

Well, you can't, but your DNA can for the small one time fee of $399. Under a mountain in a nuclear proof shelter in Switzerland is where it would be stored. Not only do they store your DNA, but also your memories. Once you get your DNA kit and send it back you can upload images, video, audio and documents to the SwissDNABank for them to store forever. I guess if human cloning ever becomes legal you could always come back.
     Posted By: mdb777 - Sat Sep 12, 2009
     Category: Death | Technology

If I come back and they've lost my stuff can I sue?
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 09/12/09 at 12:09 PM
that's what's so great about you expat, you're always thinking ahead! :lol:
hell, they need to be saving better dna than mine for cloning. :shut:
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 09/12/09 at 04:47 PM
we are certainly facinated by ancient civilizations. some how i think we will be far more interesting, as a civilization, in retrospect.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 09/13/09 at 07:37 AM
i am aware of that kehrsam as, i'm relatively sure, is expat.(he's a pretty sharp cookie) we were kidding. even identical twins don't have identical dna profiles, a clone would, but personality is more a result of nurture. no two people are raised exactly the same even in the same family. there could be medical differences as well, depending on what deseases each one was exposed to ect.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 09/14/09 at 10:58 AM
saved the most important for last there wayne? 😉
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 09/14/09 at 04:15 PM
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