whipped bigtime

Whipped big-time, right up to the end
John Klein, 82, was arrested in Spokane County, Wash., for manslaughter because he basically left his fallen wife, 73, on the floor of their home for 10 weeks, until she died. But, he insisted, that was because she growled at him every time he tried to help her and ordered him not to call the authorities. Yes, dear. So he brought her food and water, and he even, y'know, cleaned her . . for 10 weeks. KXLY-TV (Spokane)
     Posted By: Chuck - Fri Feb 13, 2009

Women start training us men the moment they're old enough to talk. By the time they learn the power of the triangle we're doomed; so now we have to go to jail because we've been conditioned to answer their every whim?
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 02/13/09 at 10:08 AM
I have to agree, Expat. The poor guy was undoubtedly bossed around for 52 years by his lovely wife and wouldn't dare go against her, even in this situation. Plus, he is 82 and possibly didn't really grasp the seriousness... I feel sorry for him, he certainly doesn't belong in jail as far as I'm concerned.
Posted by Skitt in SW USA on 02/13/09 at 11:39 AM
I think he needs to be "looked after" if he doesn't understand the concept that someone being immobile on the floor for 10 weeks is potentially unhealthy. It sounds like his grasp on reality is eroding.
Posted by kingmonkey in Athens, Ontario on 02/13/09 at 01:07 PM
kingmonkey: I agree. Prison may actually be a better structured place for him to be.
Posted by AGFH on 02/13/09 at 01:11 PM
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