Why the poor are happier than the rich

From the Washington Post - April 30, 1916.

The gist of the article is summed up in the first paragraph:

The poor do not have to worry about what they are going to wear or where they will spend the summer or winter. They have good appetites and enjoy their food when they get it. They lead hard lives and so grow strong and healthy and do not have dyspepsia. They do not have to buy a burial cloth or order a mausoleum. As they have no money to leave, no one is anxious to see them die.

As far as I can tell, the Duke of Manchester (William Montagu), wrote this without a hint of irony or sarcasm. He seemed to genuinely believe that being born rich was a great burden. So it's interesting that he did his best to relieve himself of his riches and become poor. From wikipedia:

Manchester was a notorious spendthrift, and as a result of the excessive spending of both him and the prior two Dukes, the family's fortune (already low) was completely exhausted, culminating in the sale of the family's lands during the tenure of the tenth Duke. He spent much of his life abroad, evading creditors, seeking out wealthy consorts, and attempting to extract money from wealthy acquaintances. He is perhaps most well known in America from the leading case of Hamilton v. Drogo, 150 N.E. 496 (N.Y. 1926), which concerned the establishment of a spendthrift trust for the benefit of the young Duke.
     Posted By: Alex - Sun Nov 10, 2013
     Category: Money | 1910s

I know great sadness. 😜
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 11/10/13 at 11:05 AM
@Expat: Did you misspell and meant to say you know great madness or badness ?
Fear the morning lest they release the marmosets upon you. :ohh:
Posted by BrokeDad in Midwest US on 11/10/13 at 12:35 PM
It all comes to the fact your don't realize how good you have it until people and things are gone.

An online friend lost her husband and relatives in the Philippines. I hope she can move forward without him and them. Like Patty a very strong lady.
Posted by BrokeDad in Midwest US on 11/10/13 at 03:39 PM
Thank you BD, I hope your friend finds peace.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 11/10/13 at 07:10 PM
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