Wife choked by snoremeter

January 1936: In Rome, Italy, Goffredo Galluzzi, a "self-styled electrical engineer," created a "snoremeter" in an attempt to stop his wife from snoring. The device, which fit over her mouth like a muzzle, included a thin brass blade that would be lifted by the heavy breathing of snoring, causing an alarm to go off, thereby waking his wife and stopping the snoring. However, the blade came loose, went down her throat, and almost choked her to death.

When I did a keyword search on this story to see how many papers it had run in, I came across something odd. The story was reported as news both in January 1936 and April 1946, but with one difference. In 1936 Galluzzi was reported as living in Rome. In 1946, he had become a resident of Syracuse, Sicily.

So a case of recycled news. It's also quite possible the story was complete baloney, both in 1936 and 1946.

The Evening Times (Sayre, Pennsylvania) - Jan 29, 1936

     Posted By: Alex - Sat Feb 27, 2016
     Category: Inventions | Sleep and Dreams | 1930s

Ama don't'a noo what's'a matter you don't'a believe a good'a Italiano he's'a gotta two, maybe three'a wives and'd'a they all'a snore.

Or... this is just hogwash.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 02/28/16 at 01:44 AM
Damn near cured her snoring for good. Better luck next time. Nope, next time didn't work either.
Posted by GFinKS on 02/29/16 at 03:07 PM
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