worry 080814

More Things to Worry About on Thursday
A vastly underrated source of protein for the world's malnourished: rat meat . . . . . To keep playing cards in the community room at a seniors' housing center in Britain, you guys will have to buy liability insurance . . . . . A dad in Vernon, Conn., sets up his own intra-family Fight Club, among his kids, aged 6 to, er, 1 (OK to use plastic baseball bats) . . . . . Britain's Asda supermarket decides to sell themed underwear for adolescent girls, from Disney's High School Musical, with the phrase "Dive In," and cynical parents are like, I can't believe Asda is so naive . . . . . The parents who allegedly, recklessly let their daughter starve to death 2 yrs ago have filed a lawsuit against Philadelphia welfare officials for not taking the girl away from them sooner.
     Posted By: Chuck - Thu Aug 14, 2008

Fred, no... that's what you get when you let lawyers make the laws!
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 08/15/08 at 01:31 PM
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