worry 080818

More Things to Worry About on Monday
Most embarrassing evidence yet of Canadian insecurity: Regulators require that, on a new TV porn channel, at least 15 percent of the sex has to be Canadian sex. . . . . News that sounds like a joke: British fish dentists fixed the teeth of a puffer fish at the Sea Life Adventure Centre . . . . . In Mexico, the latest important food crop to be sacrificed to agriculture's sudden fascination with fuel-motivated corn: agave (tequila) . . . . . The District of Calamity: Washington, D.C., teenage summer-jobs program officials found that 3,000 people that it was paying up to two weeks ago were on the payroll either through gaming or bureaucratic incompetence (e.g., five were over age 50) . . . . . It's good to be the son of the police chief because when dad breaks into your locked bedroom after you've been out drunk-driving, you can sue him for warrantless search and not Mirandizing you. Today's Newsrangers: Karl Olson, Larry Ellis Reed, Stephen Taylor
     Posted By: Chuck - Mon Aug 18, 2008

Canadian Porn: It's true. As Canadians, we're anatomically different than Americans. It gets kind of weird seeing American sex and y'all are missing your second penis, or the girls don't have patagia. No offense, but you people are freaks.
Posted by kingmonkey in Athens, Ontario on 08/18/08 at 12:25 PM
@ Gary: I'm scared you know that. BTW, who decides to become a marine dentist?
Posted by BikerPuppy on 08/18/08 at 03:32 PM
I think the kid with dad cop thing is actually pretty interesting. Very clever. But my kid would SO be grounded forever. They would also probably get their bedroom door taken off. 😊
Posted by Maegan on 08/19/08 at 11:56 AM
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