worry 080926

More Things to Worry About on Friday
A female F State firefighter is being investigated for stealing a traffic-accident victim's foot from the scene (Seriously) . . . . . We've heard of dentists who use their tools to extort overdue bills from patients, but only when the patients return for subsequent treatment, but this German dentist didn't wait; he went to the deadbeat's house and yanked out the dentures . . . . . A Utah mother, driving her Ford Expedition, let her little tykes ride on the running board while she drove slowly around (only this time she went over a speed bump, and one kid's in critical condition) . . . . . Another one of those loco Japanese inventions: a personal, wearable airbag, in case you fall [Ed.: Oh, wait; this is a great invention, as anyone with elderly parents will recognize] . . . . . Update: A Nebraska man abandoned his nine children (ages 1 to 17) at a hospital, under the state's baby-drop-off law (no penalty for parents who give up their infants, except that Nebraska's law applies to all "minors"). Today's Newsrangers: Larry Ellis Reed, Candy Clouston, Emory Kimbrough, Bruce Alter, Mark Svevar, Pete Randall (and a slew of "Readers' Choice" finders)
     Posted By: Chuck - Fri Sep 26, 2008

And let me be the 1st to, once again, urge KW to "do the right thing" by her hubby.

Now, the rest of y'all can chime in.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 09/26/08 at 08:25 AM
Japanese inventions - I need one of these on Saturday nights
Posted by Jules in Connecticut on 09/26/08 at 08:36 AM
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