More Things to Worry About
At a Stuart, Fla., full-service carwash: the
DogPro Dog Spa, a coin-operated, self-service pet-washing system ($10 for 10 minutes) (the 7th one in the U.S. so far) (Stuart)
David Green, 39, Norristown, Pa., pleaded guilty to burglary, done in after his DNA was matched to
doo-doo on the basement stairs in the home he burgled (not explained in the story, but maybe people shouldn't go criming if they've got the runs).
Times Herald (Norristown)
A movement of a few revisionist presidential historians is underway
to remake Martha Washington into a red-hot mama (Bonus: George was a hunk, too).
Washington Post
Recurring Theme: In China, too (not just Japan), unhitched men under pressure from their parents to marry are now
renting women to introduce as their girlfriends.
Reuters via The Independent (London)
Recurring Theme: Firefighters had to rescue a guy who got
stuck in the chimney of a woman's house early Sunday morning in Burlington, Vt., and the guy, rather than concoct some creative explanation, told cops . . he didn't know how he got in there.
Associated Press via Yahoo