worry 090304

More Things to Worry About

Why would the home invader who was unsuccessful at getting the elderly couple to give up their money then grab "two bundles of toilet paper" and run out the door? FirstCoastNews.com (Jacksonville, Fla.)

And why might there be 10 human teeth (one with a filling) inside the pouch of a men's wallet for sale at Wal-Mart? Cape Cod Times

And if witnesses say the road-raged motorist not only scared the pedestrian once but then did a U-ie and drove right at him again, why would the motorist offer the defense that, well, his car has an "alignment" problem that causes it to do U-ies on its own? Metrowest Daily News (Framingham, Mass.)
     Posted By: Chuck - Wed Mar 04, 2009

If you can't successfully rob geezers and need assistance press 4

Tooth This is a case for Bones.

Road Rage Hells bells, this wasn't road rage! The driver is Greek and this is just normal, every day stuff. Nothing to see here, move along.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 03/04/09 at 11:17 AM
Road Rage - Several things to say on this:
1) I'll admit I usually drive a bit too fast, but when people do the "slow down" wave thing at me it pisses me off. I have issues, I know, but I don't run them over....usually just speed up a little more. :shut:
2) I've had several crappy cars in my life, one of which seemed like it would go out of alignment if you just sneezed on it, and can say that most any alignment problem can be overcome by holding the wheel at an angle while you drive. It's especially nice if it's off by the right amount you can just let go to make a turn.
3) Driving down Rt 9 in Framingham a few years ago (it's a divided highway, 2 lanes on both sides, lots of businesses) I saw someone pass the building they wanted, turn onto the sidewalk, and drive back up it to get to said building rather than go to the next light and make a Uie. Murphy's law that the cops weren't there when I really wanted them to be!

Okay, I'm done with my rant, thank you for reading :cheese:
Posted by Jules in Connecticut on 03/04/09 at 01:40 PM
My daughter's car turned itself just yesterday. Cost me $500 bucks!
Posted by Viceman48 on 03/04/09 at 02:32 PM
Expat, I love that show.

patty, maybe he didn't even have to go to walmart! If he was a pig farmer, maybe he just made the wallet out of the pig's skin. I know they say you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, but maybe you can make a wallet.
Posted by Nethie on 03/04/09 at 11:27 PM
I'm guessing the filling wasn't gold because it was still in the tooth. Someone would have swiped that. I know I would have.
Posted by DownCrisis on 03/05/09 at 12:21 AM
Wasn't her fault, patty. I'm a cheap ass, should just get her a descent car.
Posted by Viceman48 on 03/05/09 at 10:41 PM
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