Now if this were part of a robot that could cook the meal, serve it, and then also spice it for you, that would be cool. But as a stand-alone gadget, it seems kinda useless.
This raises the question of how many green beans would someone eat just to claim the world record for eating them? According to the site, Crazy Legs Conti holds the record for eating the most: 2.71 pounds of them in six minutes.
That doesn't seem like that much to me. And in the video below "tannermancan" eats 5.125 lbs of green beans in less than 5 minutes. He doesn't acknowledge setting a new record. But it seems to me like he must have.
Frigid Fluid is both the name of a company and of the product it primarily sells: embalming fluid.
The company also recently came out with a line of "Frigid Cosmetics" (makeup for dead people). Its full kit will set you back $785, but the company promises that the cosmetics are "designed to accentuate the natural features and accurate color hues, tones and complexions of decedents."
This makes me curious about how funeral-home cosmetics differ from regular cosmetics for the living. Do funeral-home cosmetics perhaps contain substances that would be banned in cosmetics for the living?
Automan is an American superhero television series produced by Glen A. Larson. It aired for 12 episodes (although 13 were made) on ABC between 1983 and 1984. It consciously emulates the visual stylistics of the Walt Disney Pictures live-action film Tron, in the context of a superhero TV series.
During the 1950s and 1960s, a number of women were given the title of "Miss Uranium."
I don't think there was one organization awarding the title. Instead, I think various local entrepreneurs held separate 'Miss Uranium' pageants. Or they didn't even bother with a pageant and just declared a model to be 'Miss Uranium'.
One of the stranger model train cars sold by Lionel is its "Toxic Waste Car," which it introduced in 1956 . From the product info:
Congratulations! Your Lionel railroad has won the government contract to safely remove toxic waste from your friendly local nuclear power plant for transport to remote dump sites located all across the continent. The simulated toxic waste load is held in two containers from which an ominously radiating light flashes on and off whenever the track is energized.
Over the years, Lionel has made various design changes and tweaks to the Toxic Waste Car. For instance, in 2007 it turned it into the "Area 51 Alien Radioactive Flatcar."
Several articles in medical journals have proposed the idea of using esophageal exercises to treat GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). But how exactly does one exercise the esophagus?
Eventually, I devised the following regimen with the intent of providing the LES [lower esophageal sphincter] with some resistance training. The resistance was provided by positioning my head below my stomach in a kneeling posture. This required food being swallowed to be pushed up an incline. I began eating part of each breakfast (oatmeal) and sometimes lunch (a sandwich) in the exercise position. I would kneel on a platform (which happened to be 6 ½” high), take a normal mouthful, chew it as needed, and prepare to swallow. I would then lay my forearms and the backs of my hands on the floor, rest my head on my hands, and complete the swallowing process. With a little practice, I was soon able to initiate and complete the swallowing process with my head resting on my hands on the floor. I did not attempt to determine what the optimal height of the platform might be or if, indeed, any was necessary.