Beauty, Ugliness and Other Aesthetic Issues

Kou Kou

こうこう | koukou from takashi ohashi on Vimeo.

Here is something akin to fireworks for the 4th.

"KOU KOU is a visual work based on an abstract animation synchronized with a song comprising the unique syllabic sounds of the Japanese language, without actually using any full words."

Posted By: Paul - Thu Jul 04, 2013 - Comments (1)
Category: Beauty, Ugliness and Other Aesthetic Issues, Languages, Video, Avant Garde, Asia

Salvador Dali Swimwear

A further installment in the Boese-Di Filippo Weird Swimsuit Wars.

Posted By: Paul - Wed Jun 26, 2013 - Comments (5)
Category: Art, Surrealism, Beauty, Ugliness and Other Aesthetic Issues, Fashion, 1960s

Miss Treasury Department

Shown is Helen G. Sweeney who won the title of Miss Washington D.C. back in 1924. But she also served, more specifically, as Miss Treasury Department.

Apparently young women were chosen to represent all the various offices of the federal government. So in addition to Miss Treasury Department there was:
  • Miss Bureau of Standards (Betty Grace Tucker)
  • Miss Veterans Bureau (Elsie L. Schulze)
  • Miss Commerce (Estelle Meisenheimer)
  • Miss Navy (Etelka Kearney)
  • Miss State Department (Adeline Shuler)
  • Miss Post Office (Ellen S. Waller)
  • Miss Department of Justice (Helen T. Gallagher)
  • Miss Civil Service (Irma Beaver)
  • Miss Labor (Margaret McKinley)
  • Miss Bureau of Engraving (Elizabeth Thompson)
  • Miss War Department (Pearl B. Henry)
  • Miss Government Printing Office (Evelen M. Smith)
  • Miss Agriculture (Jewell Sager)
  • Miss Interior (Minnie Jean)
  • Miss Federation (Margaret M. Mattare)
  • Miss Interstate Commerce (Sarah M. Boyle)
  • Miss U.S. Employee's Compensation Commission (Edith S. Webb)
Source: The Washington Post, Dec. 1, 1924

Posted By: Alex - Sat Jun 22, 2013 - Comments (6)
Category: Beauty, Ugliness and Other Aesthetic Issues, Government, 1920s

Miss Typical

I guess it's some kind of achievement to be judged the most entirely average, but still, I don't think "Miss Typical" pageants are often held nowadays. They seem to belong to an age when conformity was thought to be more of a virtue. Rachel Reber here won "Miss Typical Freshman Coed" title back in 1941.

Marilyn Charleston was judged Miss Typical Teen of Nevada:

Reno Gazette Journal - Sep 3, 1948

Posted By: Alex - Tue Jun 18, 2013 - Comments (3)
Category: Beauty, Ugliness and Other Aesthetic Issues, Contests, Races and Other Competitions, 1940s

Trevor Winkfield



I rather like the weird paintings of Trevor Winkfield. Do you?

Posted By: Paul - Sun May 19, 2013 - Comments (6)
Category: Art, Avant Garde, Beauty, Ugliness and Other Aesthetic Issues, Eccentrics

Lena the Hyena:  (Anti-) Beauty Contest Winner


Most fans of comics, or Mad magazine, or pop culture in general know about Basil Wolverton and his famous creation, Lena the Hyena. (I put one of Wolverton's great recent books in the sidebar a little while ago.)

But did you know that Lena was the result of a contest sponsored by Al Capp for his Li'l Abner newspaper strip? She took the prize from several other contenders for ugliness.

See who she beat out here.

Posted By: Paul - Mon Mar 18, 2013 - Comments (4)
Category: Beauty, Ugliness and Other Aesthetic Issues, Contests, Races and Other Competitions, Comics, 1940s

The Fire Treatment

Would you set yourself on fire for beauty? According to The Inquisitr, the Fire Treatment (aka Huǒ liáo) is the hot new thing in China:

The process involves an esthetician or spa employee draping target areas of the face and body with alcohol and secret elixir saturated towels. The person, more specifically the towel the person is wearing, is set ablaze. Moments later the towel is extinguished. The fiery beauty regime is supposedly based off ancient Chinese medicine. The dangerous treatment is intended to eliminate dull skin, aid in the common cold, and revert obesity.

Posted By: Alex - Fri Mar 08, 2013 - Comments (12)
Category: Beauty, Ugliness and Other Aesthetic Issues, Baths, Showers and Other Cleansing Methods

Leggy Dolls

Somehow, Barbie doesn't seem so anatomically impossible anymore.

More info here.

More pics here.

Posted By: Paul - Fri Jan 25, 2013 - Comments (2)
Category: Beauty, Ugliness and Other Aesthetic Issues, Body Modifications, Freaks, Oddities, Quirks of Nature, Toys, 1970s

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Who We Are
Alex Boese
Alex is the creator and curator of the Museum of Hoaxes. He's also the author of various weird, non-fiction, science-themed books such as Elephants on Acid and Psychedelic Apes.

Paul Di Filippo
Paul has been paid to put weird ideas into fictional form for over thirty years, in his career as a noted science fiction writer. He has recently begun blogging on many curious topics with three fellow writers at The Inferior 4+1.

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