One of the unwritten rules of weird news is that if you're trying to be weird, then you're not really weird. Instead, you're a comedian. And I suspect that this reviewer of Air Jordans is probably trying to be weird. Then again, maybe he really is a slightly awkward super-fan of Air Jordans. This is one of three videos he's posted to YouTube.
Posted By: Alex - Wed May 20, 2015 -
Comments (3)
Category: Video, Shoes
Benjamin Bennett has currently uploaded 84 videos to YouTube. They all share the exact same premise. In each video he sits in front of the camera and smiles — for four hours.
His unwavering adherence to the concept has, by now, earned him status as a minor Internet celebrity. (And what higher goal can one really seek in life than to be famous online?)
His most popular video is Sitting and Smiling #5 (below), because this includes a brief moment of drama. In Bennett's own words:
About 2.5 hours into the webcast, I hear someone come into the house, which is odd, because my only housemate is at work, and we aren't expecting anyone. I realize I didn't check to see if the doors were locked before starting the webcast. I hear the person stealthily moving around the house, and then I hear them stealthily climbing the stairs, towards my room. My door opens, and I hear an unfamiliar male voice say "Hello?". Then, after presumably seeing me sitting still and smiling in front of a camera, lit from beneath by a florescent bulb, he promptly descends the stairs and exits the house.
As it turns out, the doors were locked, and he had broken one open. We found nothing missing, as there is not really anything of value in the house other than the laptop I was using to webcast.
This 1978 marketing video starts off as a homage to Star Wars and then bizarrely segues into wine sales. Around 5 minutes in, the C-3PO character starts disco dancing.
Posted By: Alex - Fri May 08, 2015 -
Comments (7)
Category: Video, 1970s
Man sits in front of the camera for 24 hours. The result is 3 videos, each 8 hours long. Every minute his computer chimes, and he says what time it is. He claims this is the "most boring video ever." He's possibly correct.
I suppose that if you managed to sync the time in the video with the time in real life, you could have the video running continuously and use it as a speaking clock. Or you could just ignore the video, like the rest of the world.
This video comes with no explanation (and no sound). The action really starts around 2 minutes in, and I fast forwarded through much of it. But I'm curious to know, why exactly do these dogs so desperately want to destroy that chair?
Paul Di Filippo
Paul has been paid to put weird ideas into fictional form for over thirty years, in his career as a noted science fiction writer. He has recently begun blogging on many curious topics with three fellow writers at The Inferior 4+1.